Update: Chicago Tribune and the 1968 Democratic Convention

I did a search yesterday on Google for “1968 Democratic Convention” and the Chicago Tribune now shows up in the #8 spot.

It looks like they have created a topic page for this event, but frankly it is really lacking.

They have a summary about the event, but the related articles located below the summary are being pulled from current content. Not much value there.

They have related topics on the right, but again, it is a list of current articles that contain some reference to demonstrations, riots and the democratic party.

I hope they have plans to enrich these topic pages with links from their archives. My guess is that they are able to pass the term of the topic to their existing search engine, but are unable to pull in links from their archives. You would think at a minimum they would want to do that to drive some traffic to their paid content?

To reiterate:

– Open up the archives and include links to the complete coverage of this event
– Include links to photos, video, audio
– Link to entities such as people, places etc. Those pages should provide me with more in-depth content about those particular people or places
– Related topics
– Current related articles; I would include this content but as a separate element. For example, if I drill down through a link to Abbie Hoffman, I would like to see historical content as well as more recent articles that are about him.
– Pull in external links from Wikipedia and other sources

The goal is not to become the next Wikipedia, but to own Chicago history.