To my wife of 40 years with love. Hands that held mine as we walked in the desert and began our life together. Hands that held our first born in awe and wonder. Hands that comfort, caress and wipe away tears. Hands that brought joy and wonder. Hands that changed diapers, washed clothes and dishes and cooked countless meals. Hands…
Bird Sketch #1

First drawing with Adobe Sketch on my Chromebook and Wacom Bamboo tablet. The image is based on a painting I saw in a hotel lobby in Sri Lanka. My plan is to keep sketching this same image over time and hopefully get better with Adobe Sketch.

Delhi, India
My Uber driver pulled over to show me the monkeys outside of this park. He thought that I would like to photograph them, but little did he know how much I hate monkeys. The flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz did me in as a child. I politely obliged my driver with a single frame.